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【Wireless Solutions】Z-COM Remote Work Solution Work from Home Made Easier than Before

Jun 16, 2021


The COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic and remote work is taking off like never before, due to the ongoing trend of people working from home and in other remote locations. Some enterprises have begun to implement diversion to work or remote work. Z-COM has launched a universal enterprise Remote Work Solution to support the company's need to transform its work mode and join hands with global companies to fight against the challenges.

The Challenges of Remote Work



Remote meetings are limited by connection, and work efficiency is reduced. Team communication and collaboration experience is not good.


The core data and platform can not be access; the work was interrupted.


Hackers' avail of the opportunity get the information through the identity accounts, or home networks.

Monitor the Network Status, Manage Easily


The remote work solution records the network activities and troubleshooting with multiple access points and a wireless LAN controller. IT managers are able to manage real-time data by logs & reports from the monitoring interface, including service device status, the real-time client list with traffic usage to optimize efficiency.

Optimize the Connective Performance


Don’t worry about the disconnected online meeting. IT managers set bandwidth limitations to give higher priority to data or platform transmission to guarantee bandwidth performance with the graphical dashboard.

Secure Your New Normal with a Hack-proof Connection


The remote work solution features triple security with MAC Access Control, encryption, and firewall protection that offers reliable data transmitted and dynamic detection for network connection. Reject or block the connection of non-standard communication protocols to prevent the impact of viruses and other virus hazards.

Z-COM universal enterprise remote work solution provides the customized service for work from home successfully, and here are also three advantages below: 

 1. Decrease the cost caused by an unexpected situation    
The epidemic and power outages have made a huge impact on the productivity of enterprises. When unforeseen circumstances occur, companies can introduce remote work solutions, which can formulate comprehensive plans for operations and reduce hidden costs.

2. Reduce the impact of transformation or service introduction    
The impact of the epidemic has caused many work projects to be shut down. The introduction of remote work solutions at a time when the company's operating energy is reduced can effectively cut down the impact on operations.

3. Speed up digital deployment    
Through the introduction of remote work solutions to improve digital transformation and data security solutions are deployed in stages. Strengthen the digital competitiveness of enterprises with the comprehensive digital and wireless environment, and accelerate the expansion of business operating.

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