Private Network
Hong Guang Middle School occupies a campus of 33,125 square meters in the center of Nanjing city, which is a large independent school with high academic standards. The school currently enrolls more than 3,600 students and has 256 faculty and staff.
Over the years, the Chinese government has been promoting the E-learning system in each school. With the support of local government, every classroom in Hong Guang Middle School has one interactive whiteboard and every teacher and student has one iPad for learning and teaching purpose.
. Campus-wide high performance Wi-Fi
. Dual-band 802.11n
. Ubiquitous coverage of Wi-Fi network
. Centralized and convenient management
. Outdoor/indoor access points
. Wireless LAN Controller
Noticing the importance of preparing students for the increased use of mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Hong Guang Middle School had also deployed Wi-Fi network few years ago. However, their pre-existing Wi-Fi network just couldn’t meet their needs. They would like to have a much more reliable Wi-Fi network so that teachers and students can use the E-learning system in a more efficient way without disconnection.
Since they have more than 70 classrooms and approximately 50 students in each classroom, they definitely need a ubiquitous coverage of Wi-Fi network in whole school area. In addition, they usually have all 50 students and teacher connect to the Wi-Fi at the same time in one classroom, so the Wi-Fi network must be very stable in order to meet the need of concurrent connection. Besides, the new wireless network also needs an easy installation and self-management since they don’t have efficient IT personnel resources to maintain each access point in every classroom and corner.
To determine which wireless solution made the most sense for the school, the MIS team researched the market to search which wireless solution was the best. They discovered that the Z-COM’s solution was much more easier to implement in their environment than others’, and offered same functionality with better policy, service and management flexibility. The solution installed access points and one Wireless LAN Controller. Students use 5G in the classes while guests use 2.4G for optimal bandwidth control in order to relieve network traffic congestion.
Z-COM solution adopted by Wireless LAN Controller to reduce deployment cost and time. It took only one administrator to complete daily WLAN maintenance work, which greatly improved management efficiency and reduced maintenance cost.
. Easy installation
. Seamless roaming of access points
. Centralized configuration and management of all access points by one single Wireless LAN Controller
. Rock-solid performance and client connectivity
Z-COM system was not only more cost-effective than the other competitors, but also provided a better service that the others. The engineering team came to school many times and helped to install the Wi-Fi infrastructure in the best way.
After the installation, Hong Guang seldom received complaints but received compliments about better Wi- Fi connection and coverage. With new mobility infrastructure, Hong Guang could get more creative and focus on delivering more applications and content to teachers and students. Z-COM totally exceeded Hong Guang’s expectations and Hong Guang will be continuing implementing our access points and Wireless LAN Controllers throughout the whole campus and dormitory.
Previous: WiFi Network GiNet at St. Lucia